Thursday, April 03, 2008


I hate that...LOL. Seriously, if I have one more teenage girl come up to me and say "LOL!" I may scream. Can we PLEASE just laugh out loud??!! Alright. That's really not what I wanted to talk about. It's just that I've been thinking lately about what things make me laugh. Have you ever thought about that? Really...We all love to laugh, but have you ever thought about what exactly makes you laugh? Is it dumb humor? Three Stooges stuff? Or is smart, dry humor, like "House"? Or stuff like the Simpsons, which is way smarter than you'd think at first glance. I'll be thinking more about this...I'm not sure, but I think the things that make us laugh probably say a lot about who we are. Not in a "good" or "bad" sense, but in a personality kind of way.


Anonymous said...

As much as I hate that acronym, it still slips out sometimes. It's everywhere...

and in text, not speech. That'd be crazy.

-James (by the way, hope you don't think I'm a creeper for reading a blog post)

Foisol said...

Aha! I have found you here now too! BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Srsly though... 4 years ago me and my friends used to say "Lamow" (LMAO). I guess we were/are losers.