Friday, March 21, 2008

Ah, words...gotta love 'em.

So, I have this hilarious little six-year old cousin, Kenny. The other day I was on Facebook, and little Kenny sidles up next to me and says in his oh-so-sweet kindergarten style, "Whatcha doin'?" Now, Kenny comes from a very tech-savvy Detroit-livin' family, so I decided to be straight up with him, and we had a little conversation:
Me: I'm using Facebook.
Kenny: What's Facebook?
Me: Well, it's kinda like...(here I paused, groping for words a little more understandable than "social networking", "interface", or "walls")'s kinda like MySpace. Have you ever heard of MySpace?
Kenny: (with a slightly troubled look) What do you mean?
Me: Well, you know,'s a website where you talk to your friends and leave messages and other stuff like that. Do your mom and dad have MySpace?
Kenny: OH!!! (looking incredibly relieved) I thought you were saying I was standing to close to you!!!
(as if I had said, "Have you ever heard of my space?")


Poor kid. It's so bizarre how these familiar words and terms just rattle off our tongues without us ever thinking twice. It WOULD take the innocence and naivete of a six-year old to remind me that language is powerful.


Anonymous said...

Equally as adorable:

Anonymous said...

detroit living family?

I am certain they most likely do NOT live in Detroit. They most likely live in suburbs around the city. People always call the whole side of the stay over there "Detroit", it is mostly people who do not come from that side of the state, and is very inaccurate. Now, if the family does in deep live within Detroit city limits, then I stand correct.

Other than that, the story was adorable.

Anonymous said...

stay = state
deep = indeed

way to early.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Anonymous said...

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